The INTENNIS Network is designed to bring players and fans together at one central location that in turn opens literally thousands of doors into the world of tennis.
A portal into the known and unknown facets of the sport
The INTENNIS – the Video Magazine will produce a new video feature on tennis every day:
- Improving the Play of Tennis Insiders will include lessons for singles and doubles, strategy, drills and tips, plus conditioning.
- Increasing the Players’ Knowledge of the Game will include interactive video features such as “You Make the Call” and “What is the Rule?”
- Up Close and Personal will feature videos about today’s tennis, including “Where are they now?” profiles of the top players of the past and “Up & Coming” vignettes on the leading players of tomorrow, as well as on and off the court reports on players and the game.
The INTENNIS Network is a great deal more.
- News & Scores, the latest information at your fingertips
- Your Thoughts/Our Thoughts/Video E-Mail, a segment offering you the opportunity to join in forums, responding to blogs, creating your own blog or submitting video e-mail
- A calendar of tournaments with video Previews and Reviews as well as daily highlights
- Player Data, personal and statistical information on all the players
- Become a member (Free of course) of the INTENNIS Network’s Tennis Club without a Court” where you can find a partner, schedule a court, join a league, share your thoughts or discuss the latest controversies via blogs, forums or video e-mail.
The INTENNIS Network offers our visitors the keys to thousands of opportunities to connect with other players in our neighborhood or around the world. The “World of Tennis” connects you to the International tennis universe or the local community tennis association.
Join the INTENNIS Network and become an “INTENNIS InSider” and once a week you will receive an email detailing the seven video features scheduled for the following week, the schedule for the next tournaments and breaking news and information plus bonus video features and a few surprises that you will be pleased to know about, including advance notice of contests, the INTENNIS Network will be presenting.
It is free. With your input and suggestions, it is, and will continue to be the best tennis site for player and fan alike.
Contact us at with your ideas, suggestions, opinions and critiques plus your video mail or video for us to post on the INTENNIS Network.